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I had a few ideas for my first challenge post, but the day got rather ahead of me and I’m just now sitting down to write at 10ish PM. I’m still going over tonight’s The Walking Dead episode in my mind and alternately thinking about, and trying not to think about, everything on my to-do list for tomorrow. Please accept my apologies, this post may be a bit stream-of-consciousness.

Sundays are usually pretty lazy around The Pink Pally household. It’s the one day a week my hubby, dracojager, and I get to spend all day together so even when we have plans for Sunday, they usually revolve around socializing with our friends and family. The hubby has been sick this week so we planned on a nice lazy Sunday of watching TV and playing WoW.

Dracojager hit 100 on his 2nd character last night and earned the Dynamic Duo achievement. I finally hit 100 on my main this morning. He marvels at how long it takes me to level, and I have to remind him that while he spends most of his time in game questing and PvPing, I spend most of my time role playing.

I was so excited to finally upgrade my garrison to level 3. I’m one of those people who have been begging for player housing since vanilla and I’m absolutely thrilled with my garrison. It helps that the story just happens to fit Caela like a glove, but more on that in another post I think.

So I hit 100, upgrade my Town Hall/Garrison to level 3, fill up my new plots and upgrade ALL THE THINGS. 13K gold gone in under 10 minutes. That’ll teach me not to pay attention to what I’m doing until the purchase icon goes dark. >.>

There’s so much I want to write about, but I’m going to reign myself in for the night. There’s 29 days left in the challenge and I’d rather give proper time and attention to topics. That’s part of why I wanted to do the challenge in the first place. Blogging, like so much of life, is a habit – and I’ve gotten out of the habit. I love blogging, not only the act of writing, but being part of a blogging community. I miss it. The challenge will force me to make time for it every day (because it would be very poor form to lose my own challenge!) and hopefully it’ll become habit again. It’s also good practice for next month’s Camp Nano.

Until tomorrow, love and hugs,

The Pink Pally